Wednesday, December 19, 2007


December 19, 2007

James and I are sitting here in rehearsal making small edits to the script, as Steve and Andrew, our incredible Will and Andy, learn a new version of the song “Things are Different,” which has changed significantly since it was last performed in the workshop, so Steve keeps glaring at me every time he has to learn a new melody. Andrew is new to the show for this production, so he's being a trooper about learning an entire score that the other three guys are pretty familiar with at this point. But with that said, “Things are Different” is certainly a metaphor for this process, which even on our second day of rehearsal, is full of great changes and improvements to the show. And they're much to the credit of our cast, who are bubbling over with ideas about how to make things clearer, funnier, and more honest. It's an honor to have four such talented, professional young guys bringing this to life for the first time. I cant wait till you all get to see what they're capable of. And speaking of capable – we got to see the design presentation yesterday, with a set by the incomparable Jim Kronzer, and costumes by newcomer Sasha Ludwig-Siegel, who at 22, is even younger than us! Hiring her to design the costume for these college freshman is just one example of how smart Eric is being in terms approaching this show – he always has a brave, brilliant idea of how to keep things as authentic as they can be. And thats why we're already making edits – to keep GLORY DAYS from feeling like a presentational “musical comedy,” and to create a new perspective on what musical theatre can be – as Eric says, “a slice of life.” Below are some pictures from our first day, as well as a quick photo shoot that the guys for Virginia Monthly. We're all busy already, and couldn't be more thrilled.


Music, lyrics and book by James Gardiner?...diva.

Nick making love to the first part of our amazing set...

...which looks like this! And is AMAZING! 484 freakin lights!

The entire costume plot. Man, all those quick changes are gonna suck.

The boys hard at work - from L - Andrew Call (Andy), Jesse JP Johnson (Jack), Adam Halpin (Skip) and Steve Booth (Will)


Blogger Q 5 Go said...

Seeing all these pictures makes me wonder... what does the inside of Steve Booth's bag look like

December 28, 2007 at 10:50 PM  
Blogger James said...

Interesting that you should pose such a valid question... tune in later this week when these mysteries and others will be revealed.

December 29, 2007 at 8:48 PM  
Blogger Amy Jo Fink said...

My name is Amy Holland-Fink. I am Steve Booth's favorite Aunt from Kellogg, Idaho! Being a hard-working, single mom of 3....3 wonderful kids who think their cousin Steve is the greatest person on earth....I would love to be able to come home from a hard day of work to see and hear more of Steven's singing and acting! Give us Idaho relatives a chance to see our incredible Mr. Booth do what you get to see him do everyday! You're all doing a fantastic job! Sincerely, Amy

February 15, 2008 at 8:35 PM  

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